Cordelia Graham - Faint Heart Never Fucked A Pig- Solo Standup Show
'Faint heart never fucked a pig' my dad, the most wilfully determined person I knew, used to say to me as I grew up. Now, he's dying of dementia and I'm back home to care for him whilst struggling as a teacher in a local secondary, bringing back memories of my outcast Y7 self who studied Ancient Greek, had a twitch and a propensity to use words like 'fortify' in the classroom. Will I survive? Yeah, obviously but it'll be undignified, especially if I follow Dad's advice.
Cordelia Graham grew up binge-quoting South Park and Maid Marion whilst also entering (and smashing) competitions for reciting Xenophon and Homer. She wanted to be Charlotte out of Ash but realised she couldn’t rock a denim mini so turned to stand up.
Semi-finalist, Leicester Square Theatre New Act of the Year, Get Up Stand Up New Act Comp; finalist Laughing Horse New Act of the Year; People’s Choice, Chortle Student Comedy Award 2018.
“out-of-place posho” Chortle
Tickets: £5, Concessions £4